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About Me

My name is Rohan Joshi and I'm currently a first-year student at Duke university, studying Mechanical Engineering in the Pratt Department. I was born in New Orleans but, after Hurricane Katrina my family and I moved to Miami. Miami is the city that I call home as I have lived in Miami for almost my whole life, attending elementary, middle, and high school there.

Pronouncing My Name

I would say the pronunciation is fairly simple. However, just in case you are curious, here is the phonetic spelling: Row-hawn Joe-shee. I hope that helps. If not, you can probably just look it up on Youtube.

Career Goals

I hope to enter the field of Aerospace Engineering, particularly with space rocket propulsion. I've always been interested in intersection of engineering with space science and exploration. The idea of humans going to and exploring planets to find answers for our many probing questions is something I hope to contribute towards. Moreover, I enjoy the use of engineering in avoiding climate change. How can we limit our carbon emissions and repurpose plastics from landfills and oceans? Finding an intersection between environmental and aerospace engineering has been a challenge but for now I will continue to explore both fields and allow for my curiosity to grow.

Grand Challenges for Engineering