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About Me

My name is Drew Webster. I'm from Centennial, Colorado, which is about 30 minutes south of Denver. Since I'm from Colorado, I really enjoy spending time outdoors. I love to hike, swim, backpack, camp, ski, and snowboard. I also love to sail (I spent many summers of my childhood sailing on the Eastern shore in Maryland). When I'm not adventuring, I like to watch Netflix, sing in the car, and spend a lot of time with friends.

Plans at Duke

I chose Duke because it mixes great academics with a lot of involvement. I have a lot of plans for my time at Duke.


I plan to major in BME (like everyone at Pratt). However, I also want to consider a minor (or double major if I'm bold) in neuroscience. I would ideally like to study abroad in Spain and become fluent in Spanish. Therefore, I am also thinking about minoring in Spanish.


As of right now, I am on the Devil's Advocates. This means that I run one of the many @dukestudents accounts. This semester, I am partially in charge of the @dukestudents snapchat (follow it! This is a shameless plug). I am also on the Duke sailing team. I'm very excited to get to travel to regattas with the team. I am also in the NeuroCare club and the Duke Political Union. In the future, I hope to apply to become a tour guide and I also hope to find some kind of a cool job. I also want to play a lot of IM sports, tent for the Carolina game, and, of course, be a Cameron Crazie.

Favorite Things


My favorite music types are country and alternative. On the alternative side, I have a taste that I call "Indie Pop". I also really like folk music because it reminds me of being outdoors and enjoying nature.


I'm a huge film geek and love all of the classic Oscar-winning films.


I love mexican food and chicken wings. Chipotle and Buffalo Wild Wings are two of my favorite restaurants.