Cindy Wang
Potential Biomedical Engineering major with a pre-med focus; attends Duke University in the class of 2017. She hails from the great state of Maryland, where their state flag is cooler than yours. 5 foot 2, black hair, have fun trying to find her.
Cindy really likes cats, but her mother won't allow her to have one. She has debated sneaking one into her dorm room, but has yet to do so.
Grand Challenge assignment
Fusion Power
Fusion Power: Will It Ever Come?, William E. Parkins, American Association for the Advancement of Science, updated 10 March 2006, accessed 25 January 2014 (General)
Assignment 2: MATLAB demonstrations
Out of all the demonstrations that I went throught, my favorite was definitely the Contour Plor of matrix section. If you go to Graphics, 2-D and 3-D plots, Contour, you will get to the Contour plot of matrix. Although this section will not likely be useful for the EGR 103 purposes of using MATLAB, I thought it was particularly entertaining and quite interesting. MATLAB seems to me as a sophisticated computer program used by those who work in the engineering field. This may be true, however, the contour section showed some really cool, entertaining uses for MATLAB as well. In the section, the demonstration showed how to make different contour images of a penny: changing the coloring, and even the level of fill to add more detail to the image. I saw the image transform, and I really thought that this demonstration showed that MATLAB is both useful and sophisticated, and quite frankly, cool.
I also really enjoyed the Linear Algebra demonstration in MATLAB. If you go to Mathematics, Linear Algebra, there are many different sections which can aide in different facets of Liner Algebra. Linear Algebra isnt the greatest subject, but I happen to be in the class right now so I learned some new tricks I can use to do my homework faster! That's largely the reason I liked this tutorial so much. However, it did show me that MATLAB is extremely practical, and can be used for a variety of purposes that span beyond engineering just engineering.