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About Me

My name is Stephen Page and I am from Rochester, New York. I am a current freshman planning to major in Biomedical Engineering here at duke, and I am considering Pre-Med as well. When I am not catching up in work, I keep busy with club basketball, intramural soccer, flag football, and playing the guitar.


5 things your car will finally do in 2020, John Brandon, Mental Floss, updated 12 March 2008, accessed 15 September 2013 (Restore and improve urban infrastructure)

Favorite Demonstration

My favorite demonstration is the 3-D Plots demonstration. It is a very impressive feature for MATLAB to be capable of generating 3-D plots and it seems very useful. 3-D graphs are very hard to visualize on your own and they can be quite confusing, so MATLAB's 3-D plotting feature is definitely my favorite as of now.


--Slp36 (talk) 21:16, 15 September 2013 (EDT)--Slp36 (talk) 21:16, 15 September 2013 (EDT)