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Grand Challenges Assignment

Nuclear Fusion

A New Push for Nuclear Fusion, The Japan TImes, updated 24 August 2010, accessed 2 September 2010 (General)

This article has some basic information about Nuclear Fusion and talks about future projects and expectations.

Demonstration Assignment

My Favorite Demonstation is the 3-D Drawing Demo under the "others" category. It was fun making shapes and cool to see to what kind of things Matlab could do.

Name Pronunciation

My Name is Tianyu Shi (First Name, Last Name). I say it kind of like (Tee-an yoo She). In Chinese, it sounds kind of like Tee-en yü and shure (like "sure" w/ an h-ish sound). In Chinese, My name (Last Name, First Name) is 时 天宇, which has symbols for time, sky, and universe (kind of).

About Me

Well, I'm a 2014-er interested in BME. I'm in Aycock.