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About Me

My name is Daniel Chong, and I am from a remote island in the Pacific called Guam. I was born and spent most of my life there. In 2022, I graduated from St. John's School and traveled 7,983 miles to study at Duke University with some really talented peers and knowledgeable professors. The first few weeks have been a little tough; moving from such a small island to a bustling environment has left me in quite a bit of a culture shock. However, one thing about me is that I persevere and I thrive under pressure. I don't know what my future holds, but I am willing to take the harder route the one that has more failures at first than successes because the challenges I face along the way are only meant to make me stronger. I know that I will face many more struggles as I progress through my undergraduate years in pursuit of a degree in Biomedical Engineering while also being on the Pre-Med track, but I also know that as long as I push through, I will ultimately come out on top. From my experiences growing up on Guam, I have come to understand that this island (and many other places around the world) are behind in terms of medicine. I hope that one day I can return to Guam with a doctorate and help the island progress a little more.

Name Pronunciation

My full name is Daniel Yundo Chong. My first and last name is pronounced "dan·yuhl chaang". Most people do not have trouble pronouncing this, but my middle name is my Korean name 정윤도. It is pronounced "yo͞ondō".

Current Courses

As of Fall 2022, I am taking the following courses:

  • CHEM101: Core Concepts in Chemistry
  • EGR103: Computational Methods in Engineering
  • MATH111: Laboratory Calculus I
  • EGR101: Engineering Design and Communication

Grand Challenges for Engineering Article

Healthcare IT News, Don E. Detmer, Healthcare IT, updated 4 November 2004, accessed 14 January 2009