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Duke Student. Aspiring Diva. Delusional. Master Maker. Gladiator. Simp for Chicken and Dumplings. These Aren't Alphabetized, And It Bothers Me Moderately.

Life Before Duke

I grew up in the backwoods of South Carolina, where I learned to scavenge and hunt squirrels for sustenance. The day I bathed in the blood of my first kill, I became a man. Even now, I feel the call of the wild. I'll have to hunt again soon. The campus squirrels are in jeopardy.

Life At Duke

I literally live in the Pod.

Samsung is planning to reverse engineer the human brain on to a chip, David Gange, UK News Today, September 28 2021, October 1 2021 (Reverse-Engineer The Brain)

The COLLAPSE of it all!