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My name is Shafii Issa Nillongo and my pronouns are he/him/his. I was born on December, 15th 2001 in Peramiho: a small agricultural village in southern Tanzania. I'm currently a freshman at the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. I'm deeply passionate about the environment and so I want to pursue a career that has to do with sustainability. I'm still undecided as to what I want to major in but as of now, I'm thinking of Environmental engineering with minors in energy engineering and finance/environmental science.

Name pronunciation

I go by my first name, Shafii and you will never really hear my second and last name unless it's something that has to do with official documents. It's pronounced shah-fee, cool right? I have no clue as to what my name means and google hasn't really been helpful. My dad says that Shafii was s a famous Imaam in the middle east around the 10th century and so he named me after him.


  1. Going out with friends
  2. Reading
  3. Random dancing
  4. Hiking
  5. Watching Netflix
  6. Rock climbing

Random facts

    1. Food
  1. I'm running low on food points
  2. I hate the food at Marketplace
  3. I hate pineapple on pizza
  4. My favourite pizza topping is mushrooms, black olives, red peppers and extra cheese
    1. Completely random
  1. The foundry is way cooler than the pod
  2. I have not been inside the chapel yet
  3. I'm completely in love with Duke

Grand Challenges for Engineering Article


S.I.Nillongo, September 29th, 2021