EGR 103/Spring 2020/Lab 7

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The following document is meant as an outline of what is covered in this assignment.

Preparing For Lab

Note: Going forward, I will refer to the Sakai / Resources Folder / ChpraPythonified / Chapter 14 folder as "CP14"

  • Read the "Part Four" introduction in Chapra, pp. 343-345. In section 4.2, note that we have talked / will talk about Chapters 14-18 but we will skip Chapter 16.
  • Read the introduction to Chapter 14.
  • Read 14.1
    • The Python version of the code in 14.1.3 is in CP14 and named You will need the Table14p03.txt data file for it to work. Notice in particular that Numpy's variance and standard deviation functions require a keyword argument to match MATLAB's default cases.
  • We have covered the Python versions of 14.2. Example 14.2 and 14.3 are CP14 and named and
  • Skim 14.3. We did the mathematical proof in class. See General_Linear_Regression for specific and general versions but do not get too hung up on the math.
  • Skip or skim 14.4. Linearization is an important concept but outside of the scope of this lab. Figure 14.13 would be a good one to look at though as it shows how plotting transformed variables in different ways might lead to an understanding of the underlying mathematical relationship.
  • Skip 14.5.1. The linergr is a way-too-specific version of what we will eventually use.
  • Read 14.5.2. Note that the differences between Python and MATLAB here will be that we need to set up arrays differently (MATLAB can just use bracketed numbers separated by spaces - Python needs np.array([LIST]) and the np in front of certain commands.
  • Skip or skim the case study.
  • Go to Python:Fitting and specifically:
    • Read the intro and note that to do the demos you will need a Cantilever.dat file with the contents shown
    • Take a look at the common command references
    • Look through the common code; for this lab there will be a special version of it called which just skips the get_beam_data() function.
      • Note that the make_plot() command works great for generic plots but for the plots in the lab you will generally need to write your own specific code.
    • Take a look at the Polynomial Fitting code and make sure you completely understand each part of it. THe parts with a white background are going to be common to all the demonstrations while the code with a yellow background will be what changes each time.
      • You can now do Chapra 14.5 completely.
    • Take a look at the General Linear Regression code and make sure you understand what each line does. The np.block() command is the key element in producing the $$\Phi$$ matrix needed for the least squares fit method of the linear algebra package in numpy.
      • Stop before Multidimensional - that will be a part of Lab 8
      • You can now do Chapra 14.7 and 14.27 completely.

Additional References

Typographical Errors

None yet!

Specific Problems

  • Be sure to put the appropriate version of the honor code -- if you use the examples from Pundit, the original author is either DukeEgr93 or Michael R. Gustafson II depending on how you want to cite things.

Chapra 14.5

Chapra 14.7

  • See Python:Fitting#General_Linear_Regression
  • Whenever you have values on an axis that makes the axis numbers take up more space that they should, you can tell Python to use scientific notation on that axis. For this code, you will want to use scientific notation on the y axis; you can do this with the code:
plt.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0))
  • Be sure to calculate the R value. Note that it is not the same as the slope of the line you would get if you try to model $$p$$ as a function of $$T$$.

Chapra 14.27

Chapra 15.10

Chapra 15.11

  • See Python:Fitting#Nonlinear_Regression
  • For the initial guesses, make sure you understand the subscripts for the parameters and then figure out how to approximate their values from the information provided in the problem.

Chapra 15.22

Chapra 15.29

  • See Python:Fitting#Nonlinear_Regression
  • Note that the independent variable will be the temperature in K and the dependent value will be the natural log of the pressure. That is also what you will be graphing.

General Concepts

General Linear Regression...