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My name is Thomas Vincent. I am from New Hampshire, nicknamed the Granite State.


I love to play various sports whenever I can. My favourite is soccer, but I also play basketball, tennis and ultimate Frisbee. Every now and then I will throw a football or a baseball with some friends too.


I went to a public school called Winnacunnet. It means beautiful place of the pines. It had approximately 1200 kids from 4 different towns. I am currently a biomedical engineering major, but I am considering adding an electrical and computer, a pre-medical or pre-health major.

Grandmaster Challenges in Engineering

I found this article to be interesting. Carbon Nanotube Implants Could Help Diagnose Medical Conditions, Alexandra Ossola, Popular Science, posted 24 August 2015, accessed 13 September 2015 (Grand Challenge)

MATLAB Demonstration

My favourite MATLAB demonstration was the Earth's Topography. I thought it was very interesting how specifically you can use MATLAB to represent data visually. A colourful map of the world and a globe is much easier to understand than a matrix of altitudes.