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About Me

Hi. I'm Eli Weinreb. I am currently a freshmen at Duke. I am from Durham, NC. I've lived here for my whole life. I graduated from Durham School of the Arts last year. I was senior class president, and I was head of the debate team at my school. I am currently 19 years old. I don't really know what I want to study. I may end up updating this throughout the year, but at the moment I'm probably rambling.

My interests

My favorite thing to do with my free time is to play videogames. I like first-person shooters and a few other genres. I like adventure games. My personal favorite is Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Ocarina of Time is great, but I prefer Majora. I hate racing games and sports games. I like a few strategy games, including the Civilization series and Supreme Commander Forged Alliance. Also, I hate Call of Duty. Just putting it out there.

I really enjoy reading. I've played guitar for about 6 years. I mostly play classical. I think its pretty fun.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

When I took AP Environmental Science last year, my teacher showed me an article regarding solar roads. Solar panels made of textured glass with heating elements and possibly LED lights to create images. They would be supported by the remains of asphalt and garbage. The following article explains more about the project. The end result could be a highway system that produces most of the power used by the nation.

[1], Geranios, Nicholas K, The Seattle Times, June 22 2014, accessed September 9 2014

My favorite Matlab demo

I personally like the demo about graphs. It relates a lot to problem one in Lab 3. Also, I think it could come in handy in higher math classes that involve 3D functions. Also, knowing how to put multiple lines on the same plot will be useful for future assignments. Also, I think the 3D graph maker is pretty cool. I think that this one is my favorite, also tied with the loop tutorial. Knowing how to quickly perform a function on a lot of numbers in a program will be very helpful in the future. So all in all, the graph tutorial and the loop tutorial are my favorites.