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About Me

Hey guys, this is my homepage. I'm a chill dude from Solon, Ohio, a cool little town right outside of Cleveland. I'm hoping to major in Biomedical Engineering, provided the work load doesn't kill me first.

My Name

It's pronounced pretty much exactly how it looks, "Zack Zimmers." Zimmers rhymes with dimmers. Or, "zæk zɪmrz," if you're interested.


I am interested in and participate in a wide array of exciting activities, such as running and playing soccer. I also play guitar, as well as dabble in a few other instruments. My musical influences include, but are not limited to, Radiohead, Dream Theater, Muse, The Strokes, The Mars Volta, Bloc Party, Avenged Sevenfold, As Tall As Lions, Weezer, System of a Down, and Pink Floyd.

Grand Challenge Article

Unconventional Medicine a Lengthier But Better Approach, Julia Ermlich, "La Prensa," August 18, 2013, September 15, 2013 (Engineer Better Medicine)

Favorite Matlab Demonstration

I particularly enjoyed "Optimal Fit of a Nonlinear Function." The fitfun function in Matlab seems like it will be extremely useful in the future, and now I have a better understanding of it.