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Yang Liu


About me

I am a crazy car fan and that's all the reason I am in Pratt. However, one thing I feel most uncomfortable here is that everything is done computers. In fact, I don't play PC games and spend very little time on computers. Hence, I guess I really need to change my attitude towards computers now. Fortunately, I found a club called Duke Motorsports here and re-discover joy in engineering. (egr 103 is indeed killing me,有时候电脑的效率真特么是比手写还慢啊卧槽!)Moreover, I come from Nanjing Foreign Language School,a high school established by China's diplomatic department in 1963. My hometown Nanjing is the only ancient capital in Chinese history that remains to be a prosperous city. Actually, Duke University established its first branch school in Kunshan, Jiangsu, China and Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province.

Name Pronunciation

My name is 刘旸(LIU, Yang/Yang Liu). 刘旸 is pronounced as 'Lew' 'Young' in Chinese, but my first name is 旸,so you can simply call me 'Young".

Why I choose engineering

Though most of my friends want to do finance for their future careers, I will stick to engineering no matter how bad I feel about the computer stuff in engineering. My father used to be an engineer too and so I know engineering is about ideas, not about stupid computer programing rules established by someone. The reason I choose to be an engineer is that it really feels good to produce your own product rather than earning money from other people's work through financial tricks. I have seen my father run his company with his college classmates from a small local factory to the world's largest magnesium alloy manufacturer these years, during which investors invested, earned money and then went away.