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My full name is Randall Timothy Kreulen. I actually go by my middle name, so most people simply refer to me as "Tim." This is easy to pronounce, as the word is only one syllable. If it gives you trouble, think of the element tin (Sn). Just replace the "n" with an "m" and you have my name. My last name, Kreulen, is slightly trickier. The first syllable is the stressed one. It is pronounced like the work "cruel." The second syllable is unstressed, and is pronounced like the word "in." Thus, my last name is pronounced "Cruel-in."
My full name is Randall Timothy Kreulen. I actually go by my middle name, so most people simply refer to me as "Tim." This is easy to pronounce, as the word is only one syllable. If it gives you trouble, think of the element tin (Sn). Just replace the "n" with an "m" and you have my name. My last name, Kreulen, is slightly trickier. The first syllable is the stressed one. It is pronounced like the work "cruel." The second syllable is unstressed, and is pronounced like the word "in." Thus, my last name is pronounced "Cruel-in."
==Favorite Demonstration==
My favorite demonstration was the one on 2-D plots. The section provided useful information that I will be using frequently throughout the course. I am also a big believer in the notion that plotting one's data is extremely useful, as it allows one to actually see how different data points compare to others. Finally, graphs are a simple way to convey information to others, even if they do not have a background in the calculations and analysis that went into the graph. Graphs allow people to visualize (and even calculate) the relationships between data points, which is very valuable.

Latest revision as of 02:34, 16 September 2010

About Me

My name is Tim Kreulen, and I'm a freshman BME major at Duke, who loves to run and play other sports.

Grand Challenges for Engineering Interest

http://afsft.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/personalizemedicinerevolutionizingdrugdiscovery.pdf, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg and Jeanette J. McCarthy, Trends in Biotechnology, updated December 2001, accessed 5 September 2010 (Grand Challenge)

Phonetic Pronunciation

My full name is Randall Timothy Kreulen. I actually go by my middle name, so most people simply refer to me as "Tim." This is easy to pronounce, as the word is only one syllable. If it gives you trouble, think of the element tin (Sn). Just replace the "n" with an "m" and you have my name. My last name, Kreulen, is slightly trickier. The first syllable is the stressed one. It is pronounced like the work "cruel." The second syllable is unstressed, and is pronounced like the word "in." Thus, my last name is pronounced "Cruel-in."

Favorite Demonstration

My favorite demonstration was the one on 2-D plots. The section provided useful information that I will be using frequently throughout the course. I am also a big believer in the notion that plotting one's data is extremely useful, as it allows one to actually see how different data points compare to others. Finally, graphs are a simple way to convey information to others, even if they do not have a background in the calculations and analysis that went into the graph. Graphs allow people to visualize (and even calculate) the relationships between data points, which is very valuable.