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Hello, my name is Sedi and I'm currently a Pratt first year. My home state is Georgia , my favorite color is orange, I love warm and fiery colors. Raw tomatoes are objectively nasty. I like plants, music and going on small adventures. If you like, give me a follow on Instagram and like my recent snow day pics [https://www.instagram.com/nitrogen_selenide/]. Go Blue Devils!
Hello, my name is Sedi and I'm currently a Pratt first year. My home state is Georgia , my favorite color is orange, I love warm and fiery colors. Raw tomatoes are objectively nasty. I like plants, music and going on small adventures. If you like, give me a follow on Instagram and like my snow day pics [https://www.instagram.com/nitrogen_selenide/]. Go Blue Devils!
Check out this article from one of the Grand Challenges [https://www.sfgate.com/education/article/BERKELEY-Engineering-students-make-it-easy-2497340.php],Rick DelVecchio, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 May 2006, accessed 17 January 2021 (Provide access to clean water)
Check out this article from one of the Grand Challenges [https://www.sfgate.com/education/article/BERKELEY-Engineering-students-make-it-easy-2497340.php],Rick DelVecchio, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 May 2006, accessed 17 January 2021 (Provide access to clean water)

Revision as of 17:21, 17 February 2022

Hello, my name is Sedi and I'm currently a Pratt first year. My home state is Georgia , my favorite color is orange, I love warm and fiery colors. Raw tomatoes are objectively nasty. I like plants, music and going on small adventures. If you like, give me a follow on Instagram and like my snow day pics [1]. Go Blue Devils!

Check out this article from one of the Grand Challenges [2],Rick DelVecchio, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 May 2006, accessed 17 January 2021 (Provide access to clean water)