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Hello! I am from San Diego, California. I like learning about brains, solving problems, rock climbing, and playing flute in the Duke University Marching Band.
Hello! I am from San Diego, California. I like learning about brains, solving problems, rock climbing, and playing flute in the Duke University Marching Band.
[https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/08/a-bionic-eye-that-restores-sight/378628/], Rachel E. Gross, The Atlantic, 31 August 2014, accessed 7 September 2019 (Reverse Engineering the Brain)

Revision as of 14:14, 7 September 2019

Hello! I am from San Diego, California. I like learning about brains, solving problems, rock climbing, and playing flute in the Duke University Marching Band.

[1], Rachel E. Gross, The Atlantic, 31 August 2014, accessed 7 September 2019 (Reverse Engineering the Brain)