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I am interested in mariachi music. It has been my hobby for most of my life. I have performed in many places around the country.
I am interested in mariachi music. It has been my hobby for most of my life. I have performed in many places around the country.
I am also obsessed with George RR. Martin's works.
I am also obsessed with George RR. Martin's works.
*[http://www.igbp.net/news/pressreleases/pressreleases/scientistsatclimatetalkssaymajorchangestothenitrogencyclecannotbeignored.5.1b8ae20512db692f2a680001809.html Scientists at climate talks say major changes to the nitrogen cycle cannot be ignored], International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, created 4 December 2009, accessed 14 September 2014 (Manage the nitrogen cycle)

Revision as of 02:20, 15 September 2014

About Me

I am currently a student at Duke University. I was born in Tucson, Arizona where the weather is too hot and the winters too short.


I am interested in mariachi music. It has been my hobby for most of my life. I have performed in many places around the country. I am also obsessed with George RR. Martin's works.