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My name is Tommy Jenkins. I am from Texas. I go to Duke University. I am an engineer in the making. I play music, mainly guitar and french horn, and do other things too. I am the epitome. Period. Sentence fragments.
My name is Tommy Jenkins. I am from Texas. I go to Duke University. I am an engineer in the making. I play music, mainly guitar and french horn, and do other things too. I am the epitome. Period. Sentence fragments.
== [http://pundit.pratt.duke.edu/wiki/Grand_Challenges_for_Engineering: Grand Challenges For Engineering] ==
Here are pages that interest me:

Revision as of 02:05, 10 September 2012

About Me:

My name is Tommy Jenkins. I am from Texas. I go to Duke University. I am an engineer in the making. I play music, mainly guitar and french horn, and do other things too. I am the epitome. Period. Sentence fragments.

Grand Challenges For Engineering

Here are pages that interest me: